Saturday, July 29, 2017

#Taboo means to hide inconvenient truth(s)

"Nazi Did Not Invent the Swastika!”

- Swastika has been used as a peaceful symbol for over 2,000 years in many parts of the world -

"Truth" sounds good, but some truths are harsh, and don't want to accept them. Basically truths which make you happy or beneficial and convenient is good, and welcomed, but the truths which make you unhappy or inconvenient are not welcomed, and may push them away, cover them and  hide them under the ground with  signs saying "Don't not open. Do not touch. It is dangerous. It is evil."  They could be labeled as "taboos."

What do we need to deal with the truth? We need to have courage to face the truth, embrace both convenient and inconvenient truths.  Do not fear!  Then be patient. It may take time to understand it well.  Face it directly without avoiding it. Breathe and relax. Taboo means to hide inconvenient truths, so try to avoid bias views and find the neutral and reasonable truth based upon the reliable resources.

In a way, what I try to do by this book is to dig the swastika under the dirt, and clean it up. So that people can see it well.  A lot of people have told me that it is dangerous to touch the swastika.  You can not recover it anyway.  Do not waste your energy.  Why don't you use your energy for something else?

Well, I may be stupid but have decided to touch the forbidden swastika, and see it closely.  I examine it one by one, and deeper and broader. Is it really evil as many Western people describe? Who call the symbol swastika?  What does swastika mean?  How did the eastern sacred swastika symbol come to the west?  More and more questions rise.  Ask questions and try to find answers to the questions, then again ask questions.  Keep asking and keep answering.

This process has resulted as my book. Have I finish the circle of questions?  Maybe main circle or basic information necessary to see the swastika is now available out of the dirt, I believe.  It means we can begin something - awareness campaign, dialogue, education, and more research.

Ignorance always in the end results suffering, delusion and illusion.  We don't want to build our lives based upon false and lies, though this could be society where we live nowadays. I want to choose my life based upon the truth, or at least closer to the truth.  

I have chosen the path of true original swastika, - light, good, peaceful, virtuous, compassionate, auspicious one, instead of false hateful and evil swastika of the west.

Troy is the place where the swastika symbols were introduced to the west, resulted from excavation, led by H. Schliemann in 19th century. This is Ephesus near Troy, Turkey.

Gate of Hagia Sophia in Istambul, Turkey.

I visited Turkey in 2013 right after I published the book on "Manji (Swastika) and Hakenkreuz" in Japan. Since then, wherever I visited different countries, I take photos of swastika symbol, and gather various swastika photos. Once I started to pay attentions to the symbol, I realize how sad the swastika symbol was used with wrong meanings and still continue to be used with wrong meanings in the west.



P.S. I will have a book talk and signing this Sunday, July 30 in Queens, NY.  Please join us! It is one to the public.

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卍Happy Holidays! 卍

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