Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Learning, Learning and Learning

"Nazi Did Not Invent the Swastika!”

- Swastika has been used as a peaceful symbol for over 2,000 years in many parts of the world -

Anything first time is a learning experience.  It is my first time to self-publish a book, though I published three books in Japan with a Japanese publisher (All in Japanese).  Needless to say, I have learnt may things through mistakes.

I had really focused on contents of the book as well as front cover design.  The choice of title was very difficult - I have many more possible titles but in the end chose "The Buddhist Swastika and Hitler's Cross" - the one which truly reflects main points of the book.  I wonder if the tile is appealing or may scare readers away.

"Have I thought of how I market this book?" "Well, I did not." One of the reasons is that I was planning to find a publisher, but I changed my mind in the beginning of April and self-published at the end of April (I was ready for publishing this book a few years ago, and once worked with three editors, and revised three times and many minor changes.).

I now learn that writing the book is one thing and marketing books is totally another thing!!!  I did not tell anybody ahead of time that I would publish the book, which I supposed to do for marketing.  The book is out already, so it is too late!  This means there are not many reviews on my book, either.

Nothing is too late in my life philosophy.  Now I realize the importance of marketing, seeing only handful people have bought my book at this point.  "PLEASE WRITE REVIEWS!"  Otherwise, who on earth knows that my book exists. I started my research from 2011 and it took me six years to publish this material, because this book will provide important information of the swastika symbol from Buddhist and religious perspectives to the west.  I appreciate your reviews on Amazon.com. I will definitely read your comments.  Especially to those who already read my book, I want to hear your HONEST opinions.  I swear that I won't agree with your comments as long as it comes from your honest feeling.  I want to know how you react to my book.

In fact, your comments will be very helpful for my future project based upon my book. Here is a most recent comment.
5.0 out of 5 starsFive Stars on May 24, 2017Format: Paperback|Verified PurchaseExcellent. Fascinating explanation.
I am now in mood of learning marketing, because marketing means that many more people can learn about the true meaning of swastika and have more understanding of this symbol instead of misunderstandings. Today, especially hate crime has increased since the last year's election.  It is rather urgent to stop enforcing the wrong image of the swastika, and at the same time good learning opportunity about the swastika symbol.

This is very reason not to wait for finding a publisher for my book, and I just felt the necessity of publishing it now!!! .... And marketing it from now on!!!

For this blog, I want to share more swastika photos that I took which are not in my book.  One big reason to write the book is to make people aware of long history of swastika symbol, and don't want to hear people making WRONG comments like "the swastika as the universal symbol of evil," or "Hitler created the swastika symbol."

It will be interesting for anyone to tell me where in New York or elsewhere you can find the swastika on my photos.  Do you see the swastika symbol on the Buddha statue?  Let me start with the easy ones.




Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Sharing my good news!

"Nazi Did Not Invent the Swastika!”

- Swastika has been used as a peaceful symbol for over 2,000 years in many parts of the world -

I just want to share good news with you today!
Though it was momentary (five days), last week my new book was #1 Hot New Release in Design on Amazon. I was very grateful for that!   
My kindle version will be on sale 50% off for kindle e-book version during Memorial Day weekend (May 26 - May30) on Amazon. It will be only $4.99 (regular price is $9.99).  The kindle version can be downloaded and read on ANY electronic device including a phone or computer with Amazon's free app. Hope that you will take advantage of this sale.  Also right now the full-color version is also 15% off on Amazon.https://www.amazon.com/Buddhist-Swastika-Hitlers-Cross/dp/1545324565/
Black and White paperback version ($18)  is now available at the Namaste Bookshop at 2 W. 14th Street (between 5th Ave and 6th Ave), New York, NY.  If you are interested, I will give a public talk on “Buddhist Swastika” at Buddhist Education Center at 376 Broadway Suite 17A @White Street, Manhattan Chinatown on Sunday, May 28, at 10:30am - 12:30pm, following meditation and short chanting. I will bring a few copies as well. 
I already gave two talks on the swastika issues in May in New York City - Meditation gathering at Bushwick in Brooklyn and Students meditation group of the Columbia University.  Please let me know if you want me to speak for your circle.
I also realize that my book has three comments so far on Amazon.com. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I hope that many more people will send honest reviews and share their thoughts with me and others. For me, it is encouraging and exciting to hear what people thought about my book, and I feel grateful for them to take their time to write a review.
5.0 out of 5 starsNot a "universal symbol of hate"on April 27, 2017Format: Paperback|Verified PurchaseThis book has been greatly needed in the world. As a person who travels often between eastern & western countries, I've seen how polarization over this symbol has created a lot of unnecessary misunderstanding & negativity. The swastika is often maligned in the West as a "universal symbol of hatred," which is not only untrue, but denies the perspective of millions of people who regard it as wholly positive. As the author asserts, it's only through the sharing of perspectives we can hope to ever bridge the cultural divide. This book was well written (and edited) with a lot of great photos.
5.0 out of 5 starsMany Western readers will be surprised to learn that the ...on April 30, 2017Format: Paperback|Verified PurchaseMany Western readers will be surprised to learn that the swastika has long been a revered symbol of peace and harmony in the Eastern world. In a brave gesture of cross-cultural significance, Rev. Dr. Nakagaki offers us a detailed explanation of the positive history and meaning that this symbol has had for millions of people over the millennia. 
3.0 out of 5 starsGood Luck With Thison April 24, 2017Format: Kindle EditionWhile much ( I don't know all) of what the author says is true I seriously doubt you will get people to see beyond WW II and the Nazis. Just too evil. I know it isn't fair but...
If i remember right the swastika also appears in ancient Native American petroglyph which have nothing to do with Bhuddism.
And please be clear, you can call it a hooked cross but Hitler and the Nazis were no kind of Christians and didn't pretend to be once they'd hoodwinked the Lutherans and others in the early '30's. They were into some kind of weird pan-German paganism that, if i remember right, didn't even include the pantheon of pagan gods that were there pre-Christian era, "Gott be mit uns" belt buckles or not. 
Also my friend, Enkyo Roshi, sent me a great photo with my new book. I love this photo.  See the photo attached. If you buy my book, please do the same/similar. I will definitely put up on my Facebook and blog. 😊
How are you planning to spend your Memorial Day holiday? It may be nice to spend time to read books.  Needless to say, it is nice to include mine in your list.

I have realized that a path of self-publishing is tough, yet has been interesting learning experience personally. I am sure that I will encounter more challenges ahead.

May peace be with you! May my book be with you! May my friends be with me!

“Nazi Did Not Invent the Swastika!”
- Swastika has been used as a peaceful symbol for over 2,000 years in many parts of the world - 

If you want to know more, read “The Buddhist Swastika and Hitler’s Cross” by T.K. Nakagaki (2017).

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Suggested Statement about the Swastika

"Nazi Did Not Invent the Swastika!”

- Swastika has been used as a peaceful symbol for over 2,000years in many parts of the world -

Publishing my book "The Buddhist Swastika and Hitler's Cross" is the first step to begin Awareness Campaign of the Swastika Symbol.  It will create a process designed to transform the understanding of the swastika symbol from its defiled western meaning to its original meaning. I hope that many people, especially in the West (America and Europe) will stop their ignorance of the swastika symbol as universal symbol of hate/evil. 

Rebbe Nachman of Breslow says, "If you believe that you can damage, then believe that you can fix. If you believe that you can harm, then believe that you can heal."  So, I want to follow the Rebbe's guidance. I hope that you may join me someday soon.

The following is the suggested statement that I would like to see at various Western museums where the swastika symbol is displayed.

Suggested Statement about the Swastika for Western Museums

The swastika symbol, or “svastika” as it is called in Sanskrit, is said by scholars to be one of the oldest sacred symbols in the world. Its use has been documented in early Christianity, Judaism, and many Eastern religions as well as Native American Indian cultures. Scholars believe its original meaning may have been to represent the sun.

The swastika has been used for more than 2,000 years in Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism as a sacred religious symbol of auspiciousness, luck and virtue. It is seen in temples, scrolls, statues and other ritual items used in these religions.

In many Asian cultures, the swastika is also commonly used as a decorative element in ceramics, textiles, woodwork and other items as a lucky motif.

Hitler, who had an interest in Eastern religions and the occult, misappropriated and misinterpreted the swastika symbol, which he called a “Hook-cross” or “Hakenkreuz” in German, for use in political propaganda. Likewise Hitler also misappropriated the Sanskrit word “Aryan” whose original meaning simply meant “noble” and “virtuous” in Buddhism and other Indian religions without any connotation of race or ethnicity. Taken out of their original meanings and contexts, the swastika and concept of “Aryan” served the Nazi propaganda helping to create the tragedy of World War II and the Holocaust.

Hitler’s use of the swastika was a desecration of the symbol. Since then, it has been commonly associated in the West with anti-Semitism, Hitler, Neo-Nazi supremacy groups, racism, and hate crimes, in contrast to its continued positive associations in the East.  
(from The Buddhist Swastika and Hitler's Cross, Page 148)



If you want to know more, read “The Buddhist Swastika and Hitler’s Cross” by T.K. Nakagaki (2017).

Monday, May 8, 2017

#My fist time seeing the Swastika or "Manji" in Japan

... My first encounter with how the West perceives the swastika happened in April 1986, the second year after I came to the United States from Japan to serve at a Buddhist temple in Seattle. I made a flower shrine for the Buddha’s Birthday, the “Hanamatsuri” ceremony. The flower shrine is a central feature of the Hanamatsuri. I arranged chrysanthemum blossoms in the shape of a swastika on the front roof of the shrine, as this was the tradition I had been taught and practiced in Japan. ...

This was the first time for me to use the swastika symbol in this country in 1986, and had NOT used for 25 years until 2011 when I took this symbol as my dissertation for Doctor of Ministry Program at the New York Theological Seminary.

I am thinking to myself.  When was the first time possibly for me to see the swastika symbol in Japan?  I believe this (see the photo) may be the one.  It is the swastika or "Manji" in Japanese at my family cemetery at Nakagaito, Daito city in Osaka.  I believe when I was born, my family must have taken me to the family cemetery to report to my ancestors.

After I graduated from the New York Theological Seminary, I visited Daito City, and paid respect to my ancestors at the cemetery.  To my surprise, I saw a big Manji at the gate of the cemetery.  I was told that the cemetery was always the same way for a long time.  The symbol has become so close to Japanese culture for over a thousand years that Japanese people usually do not pay attention to it.  It is there, but not there. It is not there, but there! Since the Manji is a symbol of the Buddha's light, it means that I was surrounded by the Light of the Buddha all the time without notice when I lived in Japan.



P.S. I don't know why but my book is now on sale with $29.85 (originally $36)!!! Is this only today or forever? Check it out!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

#At Last, my new book is available on Amazon!

Yes, AT LAST, I was able to publish the book on the swastika symbol!!!  I am actually very happy to see my book out in the world, available on Amazon.

       Six years have already passed since I started my project on the swastika symbol in 2011. The swastika is a taboo in the West, and people here in general are ignorant about this particular symbol, because we cannot really discuss this symbol openly.  If we don't have education, it is natural to be ignorant.  It also means that people CAN LEARN.

      I have more photos that I want to include but there is not much of space, though I have almost 100 photos in the book.

       In this blog, I just want to share my thoughts on this projects, showing various photos of swastika symbol as I visited different countries.  Now taking a photo of swastika has become my hobby.

       I try to make this blog relaxed though or because the topic may be sensitive for some people ,s especially who had to go through difficult experiences with Hitler's Cross "Hakenkreuz" (Hitler never called the symbol "swastika" which is an English translation of Hakenkreuz).

       I am planning to write once a week on Sundays. You may realize but the name of my blog page is my book title.

       The photo (by TK) below is used for my cover page. You can see the swastika symbol on the Buddha's chest, swastika symbol on the prayer beads, and swastika pattern cloth.


卍Happy Holidays! 卍

 Happy Holidays!   We had many occasions to have dialogues on the Symbol of the Swastika in 2021.  All were online, and are available for th...